22 July, 2012

SOS Dairy - Fair price for milk

It is one of those products that people tend to take for granted.
You put it in your tea or coffee.
It goes on your cereal for breakfast each morning.
It's found in so many products - cheese, butter, cream, custard, yoghurt, baked goods, chocolate... The list continues.

A fair number of people will buy fair trade products as they want to give a fair deal to the developing world producers. But then we forget to look after the producers of foods in our own country.

We already have to import many foods now as it sometimes just isn't financially viable for our farmers to compete with the cheaper producers from abroad.
This is putting many farmers in very difficult positions both financially and emotionally.

Many retailers have already agreed to give dairy farmers a fairer price for their efforts.
Amongst those retailers who are giving a fair price are Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Waitrose and Marks & Spencer.

After some peaceful protests by dairy farmers and consumers alike, Co-Op and Morrisons have moved on their milk price and will now give a fair price to our farmers.

Unfortunately Asda, one of the biggest supermarkets, is so far reluctant to budge on its prices.

Asda aren't alone though on not wanting to budge. Many of the budget supermarkets - Aldi, Lidl and Iceland - want to keep their prices down and so far don't want to give a fair price to their dairy farmers.
A few celebrities are assisting this issue by using social media to spread the word.
If you wish to join in, use #sosdairy when posting on twitter and take a look at the following links for more information and posters to make your opinion known to the supermarkets.
Farmers Weekly
National Farmers Union

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